It is worth noting that what we know as being useful, feeling fulfillment and Euphoria all pertain to a young and growing field of study that recencently joined the rest of the scientific research community, but has since proven to be related and relevant to most fields of scientific study, and almost every aspect of human endevour.
From consciousness to happiness, purpose and intent, self fulfillment, productivity, performance, optimal experience, living life well and the meaning of life, the Science of Cymatics and study of Flow has shown that the nature of existence has less to do with what we know, but depends on how we look at the evidence. Like the elusive and fleeting but quintessential state of being we all know as the feeling of Euphoria.
Known by lovers as the extacy of orgasm while the devout often describes it as the Holy Spirit or enlightenment, long distance runners, gamers and high performance athletes regard it as being in the Zone, ravers as tripping, tribal drummers as trance, and BDSM practitioners, MMA artists, grapplers and choking fetish lovers will recognize it as the feeling of leaving your body when you lose consciousness. Contrary to common knowledge they are all related, follow the same principles, occur under similar conditions, and they all result in a range of specific, unique and measurable physical, physiological, mental, hormonal, neurocognitive and behavioral responses.
While transcendental experience is hardly new, the idea that it is a state of being that we can entrain, channel, apply and appropriate to enhance productivity, optimize experience, augment abilit and have fun while doing it is apparently so radical and revolutionary that the scientific community seem to be have a hard time taking it serious.
From a 'Grand Scheme of Things' the alacrity with which the nature of flow-state entrainment is viewed is obvious if we follow the theory to its logical conclusion as the evidence show a perfectly plausable cause for a number of coveted religious, scientific, artistic and cultural 'holy cows', disclosing secrets that have been jealously guarded and hidden from plain sight for thousands of years by some of the most powerful and influential archetypes known to exist. What with illusionists, magicians, entertainers, tricksters, gurus, prophets and priests at risk that people may lose faith in their practice if their trade secret is revealed the slow uptake of flow-state entrainment among scientists is bound to be spurious.
Given the profound nature and venerable regard of its manifest relevance it is hardly surprising to find that the vested principles of Flow and the laws that govern it are pernicious, common place, and apply to all manner of change throughout Nature and in all of Creation if we choose to take notice, and stop disputing its existence in lieu of what we think and believe.
Flow is furher related to a very specific branch of scientific investigation that few people know about, many are talking about, and a lot of punters and entrepreneurs are leveraging to develop a growing number of higly lucrative applications, systems and over the counter advice without having any understanding of the simple principles that facilitate the proprietary solutions and so called miracle cures that they pander for profit.
“Happiness is mastering the present”.