In the same way drum circles bond us beyond our ancestry, the modern rhythms of hip-hop and trance, and even the non-rhythm of rap and chant are all powerful reminders that mankind share as much in the rhythm of nature's beat as the chirp of a bird, the rattle of a snake, or the awareness piercing sound that a cricket would make.
By it's very nature I suppose it's no surprise that people in general should think that drums and rhythm would be the key elements at play in a drumming circle, but as those who still brave the star studded theater of sound would attest it's much, much more than just that. If we dig deep in the depths of our collective awareness, we'll all probably end up with the same point of view that I first heard about in a Shaman's tale.
A tale of symbols and fire and rhythm and chant, of dancers that sway in hypnotic refrain. Of pulses and pattern and a harmony created by all the elements we bring to the fray. Elements that resonate in the truth of our intention, reward us in measure to the worth that we bring, and leave in it's wake the profound knowledge of a bond we share in ritual, and an awareness of the harmony that is, and a feeling of elation that we can be part of wherever we want, whenever we choose.