
Earworms: Insiduous, haunting, clips of maddening music

" engraves deep grooves in our mind. Grooves in which Earworm can thrive"

The allogory not quite on point, but not bad considering the plethora of rather unexpected and totally unprecedented findings to support a mind that regulate the reliance of its own awareness by tracking the sensory data it recieves against the most likely sensory input that it expects to recieve,based on an analysis of recent events.

The understanding sent flutters of falter through the neurocognitive fraternity and had a frazzled faculty in fits of frienzy at the Pandora's Box of possibilities presented by a brain that goes to extra-ordinary lengths to prepare a 10 second prediction of future events. We also know that our minds are constantly comparing current sensory input to a predicted time line of events.The "final" version of awareness that is uploaded to the conscious free-for all playing field of pattern recognition, thought, memory, awareness, feeling and choice.

Any discrepancies that exist between the two sensory data streams is edited in favour of predicted data. This include all data interruptions, temporary loss, or any live sensory input that exceed prevailing levels of confidence. That is, if you have any confidence left after all the independan meddeling and seamless editing that went on in the interest of believing your sense of sensibility, and the extraordinary lengths that your mind will go to protect the integrity of any given time-line of consciouss awareness.