
Premature babies benefit from the magic of music

Hearing Mo­zart’s mu­sic might make prem­a­ture ba­bies grow faster by re­duc­ing their rate of en­er­gy ex­pend­i­ture, a study has found.

Re­search­ers are dub­bing the phe­nom­e­non a sec­ond “Mo­zart Ef­fec­t,” in ref­er­ence to pre­vi­ous find­ings that clas­si­cal mu­sic may lead to tem­po­rary per­for­mance im­prove­ments on cer­tain men­tal tasks.

Past re­search has al­so found that mu­sic re­duces stress, low­ers the heart rate and even im­proves the rate of weight gain in pre­term in­fants, ac­cord­ing to Ronit Lu­bet­zky and col­leagues at Tel Aviv Un­ivers­ity in Is­ra­el, who con­ducted the new study.
You can read all about it at World Science.