I suppose it is inevitable that all journeymen must reach a place to pause and reflect, and ask them self what is the meaning of this journey. I have always considered myself as somewhat of a scientist in my behavior and approach to life, and therefore see myself as an expert on life, or at the very least the life I've lived.
In my experience there is a common bond that not only connect me with my past, but with every living thing on earth. If I accept that nothing happen without a reason like I do, then it stands to reason that everything occur according to certain laws that are immutable. At the same time they must be flexible enough to allow for the expression of the infinite variety we observe, not only in life, but in the universe we find our self.
And thus it was this day I found myself to ponder on the origin of life, and immediately ran into all sorts of difficulties, not the least of which the lack of a proper definition. In cases such as these I used to go to the collective database of knowledge as it is represented by Wikipedia, but to my surprise the entry simply reads: "We know nothing".
The same is true for the laws of nature, which is apparently still a hotly debated topic among those who normally claim to know!
In my experience there is a common bond that not only connect me with my past, but with every living thing on earth. If I accept that nothing happen without a reason like I do, then it stands to reason that everything occur according to certain laws that are immutable. At the same time they must be flexible enough to allow for the expression of the infinite variety we observe, not only in life, but in the universe we find our self.
And thus it was this day I found myself to ponder on the origin of life, and immediately ran into all sorts of difficulties, not the least of which the lack of a proper definition. In cases such as these I used to go to the collective database of knowledge as it is represented by Wikipedia, but to my surprise the entry simply reads: "We know nothing".
The same is true for the laws of nature, which is apparently still a hotly debated topic among those who normally claim to know!