
Willpower is limited!

Rough day at work? You might not feel like exercising
Have you ev­er sat down to work on a cross­word puz­zle only to find that af­ter­wards you haven’t the en­er­gy to ex­er­cise? Or have you come home from a rough day at the of­fice with no en­er­gy to go for a run?

A study pub­lished Sept. 29 in the re­search jour­nal Psy­chol­o­gy and Health re­ports that if you use your will­pow­er to do one task, it de­pletes you of the will­pow­er to do a to­tally dif­fer­ent task.

A study re­ports that if you use your will­pow­er to do one task, it de­pletes you of the will­pow­er to do a to­tally dif­fer­ent task, such as ex­er­cis­ing.
“Cog­ni­tive tasks, as well as emo­tion­al tasks such as reg­u­lat­ing your emo­tions, can de­plete your self-reg­u­la­tory ca­pacity to ex­er­cise,” said Kath­leen Mar­tin Gi­nis of Mc­Mas­ter Un­ivers­ity in On­tar­i­o, lead au­thor of the stu­dy. “You only have so much will­pow­er.”