Living Life Well
In the interest of endearing the relation we share intent in sense it is prudent to mention that convention is a fallacy.
Living life well imply that we abide in the present and share our presence intent in sense and mutual relavance.
Life is child's play once we let go of our fear and share the present in sense and share in the flow we manifest intent.
Nature is irreverent to our expectation, and indifferent to conviction and irrespective of the prevailing point of view.
Living life well is a strictly 'come as you are' encounter, more frolic and fun, and much less serious than we believe.
Life is child's play once we let go of our fear and share the present in sense and share in the flow we manifest intent.
Nature is irreverent to our expectation, and indifferent to conviction and irrespective of the prevailing point of view.
Living life well is a strictly 'come as you are' encounter, more frolic and fun, and much less serious than we believe.
Entrain your sense of ability

If the notion of Zen, tuning in to mental clarity, consciously adjusting your mood, or the concept of brainwave entrainment find you faltering at the edge of cognitive dissonance, you may well jump right in. Listen how it sounds.
Not unlike the ancestral shamans of yore that used drumming as a way to reach altered states of existence, aural augmentation translate the hypnotic Shaman's rhythm and chant to binaural beats and brainwave altering frequencies that package the tribal mind altering experience in a easy to access online ambient listening experience.
Thanks to modern day technology you can experience the zen of Buddhist monks, the mental trance of mystics and Shamans, or any of a wide range of mind-blowing cognitive experiences simply by choosing the soundtrack you fancy. With digital music and earphones within most people's reach we can literally choose our mental state, change our mood, sharpen our focus, decide which chakra's creative energy to activate, and what and how we'd like to feel.
Binaural-beats, Isochronic tones, and Solfeggio-scale harmonies can achieve any of a wide variety of mental states, zen and trance alike in a easy to use, safe, easily accessible, sophisticated and effective way. All you need to do is open your mind, put your headphones on, and allow yourself to tune in to the altered mental state of your choice.
Of the three types of brainwave entrainment, binaural beats is the auditory processing artifact observed when we deliver specific atonal stimuli to each individual ear. This result in a beating frequency that entrain the functional electromagnetic brain wave state of your choice. It's hard to believe even if you know the jargon, but really as simple as tuning in, and tuning up to whateverb mental state you want.
Due to their nature, binaural-beats are artificial auditory artifacts that depend on binaural delivery, they are often combined with solfeggio-scale harmony that facilitate aural entrainment with using headphones, but at the cost of the binaural advantage. To a large extent isochronic tones combines the two modalities in a listening experience that can be enjoyed without headphones, but due to their nature they are much more susceptible to dissonance.
Whereas binaural-beats are a much more active, driven, and purposefully directed form of aural entrainment, Solfeggio-scale harmonies are, quite literally, the opposite. The solfeggio-scale consist of a tonal range of frequencies said to have been lost to antiquity. But contrary to belief they've recently been confirmed to be unmistakable, and are being used in all kinds of fun aural applications for your listening pleasure.
With aural augmentation, mood adjustment or blow your mind soundtracks are there for you tdo pic and choose, so what are you waiting for? Get some!
(Known to benefit early onset post-concussion symptoms due to cognitive dissonance)
Now repeat after me.
Auṃ maṇi padme hūṃ
The six syllabled mantra above is known as the bodhisattva of compassion, and the “innermost heart” of Avalokiteshvara.
In the ancient Vedic texts the mantra is venerated as the seed of all the Buddhist teachings.
Living life well.
Looking at living life well from a 'Grand Scheme of Things' is clearly a feat that comes naturally is to most children. And I say 'most' for reasons that I did not only have a strange childhood, but a even weirder life than most of the children my age. Like the day that it dawned on me that my mother was trying to pimp me, found out I had a illicit desire, or the realization that something queer was happening to the senior student body in my class.
The first time that I began to notice that my peers were suffering from a lack of logic and somehow failed to grasp any regard for the 'Bigger Picture' was during puberty. Much like the day that I was accused of cheating without any idea of what it was, the reverence. Though at the time I'll admit I was none the wiser, what was happening to my peers was the onset of Puberty.
Without having recourse to any play ground politics and after spending most of my entire teenage life hiding from public exposure and running away from any activity that would require social interaction I somehow found myself in the middle of a raging storm of illicit arousal and embarrassing attraction that exacerbated the alienation I had always try to deny. It goes without saying that my confusion was partly due to the neuro cognitive developmental changes that occur in the neurocortex pathways and of most teenagers minds, but whereas they were forging neural networks to facilitate the faculties of social cohesion, success, reproduction and matrimony I was struggling with much bigger issues, like what to do with my own aberrant arousal, how do I live my life in sin and shame, and why was I born with such a despicable affliction.
Being a normal teen is all about the playful discovery of mutual relevance, and developing the skills to manifest shared intent, while my interest was considered to be abnormal, abhorred, deviant, sacrilegious and sodomy. Looking back in hindsight my own indignation and dismay at the reckless behaviour of my schoolmates was rooted in a early childhood realization of my duty. A responsibility born of the expectation that I would become the 'head-of-the-house' and would have to take care for my mother in the unlikely event of my father's demise given that he was working underground for a diamond mining company at the time. Unlike most children age three I took my dad's daily pep talk before he left for work each with a conviction that bordered on the obsessive, and drove me to physical illness at the mere thought of where to begin. Soon after the birth of my sister I had the first of many Status Asthmatic Seizures. Looking back at the moment it was probably the beginning of my lifelong quest for answers, and the first time I found myself struggling to find the reason for fighting to tackle each and every breath that I take.
Unlike most middle age men I had the good fortune to have survived a string of near death events starting at the age of three and live to tell the tale of what you can achieve if you aspire to what society consider worthy, or by living life well regardless difference. Like most of my life story the memory remind me of how frail and fragile my reality was, and still is in many ways, the folly of my worry and fear, and how my futile concerns and grand schemes and expectations add up with me being in the here and now and present notwithstanding. I can't help but smile when I think back on my brave and courageous past, how big my aspirations were and how daunting the task I had took upon myself. It makes you realize how much ado about nothing is a waste of perfectly good living, and even if it takes a lifetime to find out out why, life is worth living well regardless.
The ancient origins of Cymatics
It is worth noting that what we know as being useful, feeling fulfillment and experiencing euphoria are all related to a young and growing field of science that only recencently joined the rest of the established research community. Since its inception it has proven to be related and relevant to most fields of scientific study, and almost every aspect of human endevour. The study of Cymatics follow up on observations by Chladni that show how matter respond to ambient frequencies but harken back to ancient times, at least as far back as Pythagoras, when he noticed that the pitch of a musical note relates to the length of the string that produces it.
From consciousness to happiness, purpose and intent, self fulfillment, productivity, performance, optimal experience, and the meaning of life the science of Cymatics and study of Flow has changed our fundamental understanding of the nature of Nature in ways that boggles the mind and which many people apperently find hard to fathom.
Known by lovers as the extacy of orgasm while the devout is want to describe it as the Holy Spirit or enlightenment, long distance runners, gamers and high performance athletes regard it as being in the Zone, ravers as tripping, tribal drummers as trance, and BDSM practitioners, MMA artists, grapplers and choking fetish lovers will recognize it as the feeling of leaving your body when you lose consciousness. Contrary to common knowledge they are all related, follow the same principles, occur under similar conditions, and they all result in a range of specific, unique and measurable physical, physiological, mental, hormonal, neurocognitive and behavioral responses.
While transcendental experience is hardly new, the idea that it is a state of being that we can entrain, channel, apply and appropriate to enhance productivity, optimize experience, augment abilit and have fun while doing it is apparently so radical and revolutionary that the scientific community seem to be have a hard time taking it serious.
From a 'Grand Scheme of Things' the alacrity with which the nature of flow-state entrainment is viewed is obvious if we follow the theory to its logical conclusion as the evidence show a perfectly plausable cause for a number of coveted religious, scientific, artistic and cultural 'holy cows', disclosing secrets that have been jealously guarded and hidden from plain sight for thousands of years by some of the most powerful and influential archetypes known to exist. What with illusionists, magicians, entertainers, tricksters, gurus, prophets and priests at risk that people may lose faith in their practice if their trade secret is revealed the slow uptake of flow-state entrainment among scientists is bound to be spurious.
Given the profound nature and venerable regard of its manifest relevance it is hardly surprising to find that the vested principles of Flow and the laws that govern it are pernicious, common place, and apply to all manner of change throughout Nature and in all of Creation if we choose to take notice, and stop disputing its existence in lieu of what we think and believe.
Flow is related to a very specific branch of scientific investigation that few people know about, many are talking about, and a lot of punters and entrepreneurs are leveraging to develop a growing number of higly lucrative applications, systems and over the counter advice without having any understanding of the simple principles that facilitate the proprietary solutions and so called miracle cures that they pander for profit.
“Happiness is mastering the present”.
- Buddha
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